Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Juega Limpio

Elfrida, muddy and chowing down on some bananas at the finca.

Photo of one of the seventh grader's brothers, to be sent to their letter exchange school in Jackson, WY.

My frightened opossum friend.

Well, I am on my way to a conference on fuel efficient stoves tomorrow. We'll be discussing the pros and cons of Bliss burners and eco-justas. Kind of obvious, but I also want to get good enough to where I can build one of those eco-justas on my own, and the more experience the better. Still hoping this will catch on where it really matters, in my community. Still only about half of the parents use the stove at the school to cook on. But I feel like it's catching on.

June 1 - Gran dia ambientalista at the school. Translated literally: Great Environmentalist Day. As in, we will pick up trash and plant trees, provided that it doesn't rain. Sponsored by the environmental club, who now have a new theme. Juega Limpio. Stolen from the Panamanian phrase "Juega Vivo", meaning literally to "play live" or rip off any and everyone who seems just the tiniest bit gullible, a.k.a. tourists, gringos, out-of-towners. (Take them for all they're worth!) Well, I saw it somewhere in Panama and thought it was a nice thought, instead of focusing on "looking out for number one" why not look out for our environment a little? "Juega Limpio" my little followers. Juega limpio. Let's all play clean.

Afterwards, planning for my BIRTHDAY on the fourth, as in, gonna do what I want. Which is hike up to a little shack cabin in the mountains and just wait it out. With cheese and a couple of boxes of wine. And my dog. And my boyfriend. And probably a lot of bananas. (I'm just guessing on the last one.)

So, as we were just strolling around Penonome the other day, I was legitimately debating in my head (and embarrassingly, out loud. in spanish) the answer to the age old question, that is, if you had three wishes, what would they be?

Hmmmm, well let me see...

Well first, of course, that I never have to worry about money ever again. Done. Second, ahem, a hooverboard, as-seen-in Back to the Future 2 and 3, as well as rights to market, produce and distribute them as the transport of the future. This could potentially make wish number 1 obsolete, and, therefore, I could technically think up another one. (I'll just keep that one in the bank.) And third, well, this is where it gets complicated...

After much thought, I would want the Earth to be about 8x bigger. With a cap placed on development of all kinds, especially human population growth. People would just have to deal with it. This might take care of our pollution problem for a generation or two longer. Earth 2.0 would include a huge "undiscovered" continent which would be huge, larger than 6 of our current Earth combined, and full of dinosaurs. I mean HUGE. And FULL. Just the amount of trees could clean our dirty air. And by "undiscovered" I mean, NO ONE is allowed there except dinosaurs. But in this wish I want there to be HD cameras strategically located throughout the island and projecting- continuously, directly, magically edited and free- into huge, old fashioned theaters placed in all large, middle and small-sized communities in the world. Therefore, whenever anyone is worried over their dumb little problems, they can just go and watch, at any time in the day or night, dinosaurs eating each other. Done. All the world's problems solved. My way.

Okay, enough fantasies. Or are there ever really enough?

Requesting my vacation for mid-August, flying into Jackson. Taking the train to Dad's around the 23rd or so, and flying home from Tucson. Really looking forward to seeing all you crazy cats. More detailed itinerary to follow. Again, it'll be like a dream come true.

And for all you avid followers of the Nikki chronicles, yes, I was given a opossum (pictured above) as a present before I went out of site last week. But even as my head swam with the possibility of educational talks involving the little gal in all sorts of animal cruelty awareness campaigns, she escaped into the dark woods of the Colmena neighborhood. That is to say, as I was told, she got away with her life, which is highly commendable (although not very likely). A more believable scenerio would involve her being mauled to death along with her other siblings by my community member's dog. Ahem, good luck OR rest in peace. Whichever might be appropriate (and God only knows).

1 comment:

Patsy said...

Write a book, write a series, sell the movie rights, get Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt to star in the movies and the money problems are solved. You have a talent, use it. Love you, mama