Monday, December 27, 2010

Dumb. Luck.

Since I've been killing epic amounts of time on the net today (read: 2 hours of of gregory brothers remixes on youtube. backin up video. just look it up. i'll make it easy. click here. and if you are in panama you get $100 if you can get a local to find it funny.) I thought I might blog. A long boring blog. With or without pictures. About how lucky I am. Okay, or maybe just how cold my foot is right now.

First of all, I'm not very lucky at all. At least when it comes to broken bones. My running list of fractures now includes my left foot, to be added to my left hand, pelvis and right foot. Yes, in the course of a little over a year I have successfully broken BOTH of my feet. After washing clothes while listening to a particularly poppy podcast (ghost of a sabertooth tiger tiny desk concert, if you are wondering) I decided to run around with my puppy for about ten seconds before rolling my foot in a slight dip in the ground. I didn't fall, but kind of limp walked to my porch, sat and laughed with my brother about it before bursting into tears. Yeah, by now I know the feeling pretty well. When you hear a snap something bad has happened. Just in time for the holidays.

After having nightmares about piles of single shoes, the next morn I sadly donned just my right hot pink fake croc maryjane and hopped into the back of the truck, then into the little bus to the city, the taxi, upstairs to the hotel room and waited a day and a half until the med office said I could go to the clinic. There I was given a large purple cast and a WALKER to be used until the next day when they brought me some crutches. I think I've had more than my fair share of pain and humiliation handed to me on this whole 2 year stint. Thank you very much. And I thought Elfrida shitting in Albrook was bad. At least I could run away from that situation.

Okay. That's my ongoing pity party. Please forgive me this one time. Went back to site for Christmas, only because Jason could help me get around and there was a big party. (It SUCKS having a bum foot in Panama.) Tonight he's climbing Volcan Baru. Without me. But honestly I'm not too upset about doing that craziness again. It's freaking cold up there! At least he got to experience quite a bit of my community Ojo de Agua, including a mandatory tipico dance lesson from my landlady, before heading out.

Now I'm enjoying the use of a collection of Hitchcock DVDs. Particularly fitting is Rear Window. Wish I could load a couple of picks from Jason's camera, but maybe later. Oh, and I have no idea how to shower with a cast. I just keep getting it soaked despite the elaborate wrappings i keep doing over it and it is COLD right now.

1 comment:

Rodney and Cindi said...

thanks for the blog update Nikki. Love you and tell Jason hello for me!